Month: April 2014


Everything is blooming in Brooklyn – There are blossom trees up and down Union St.  and my view is all pink, pale green and white for just a little while.

brooklyn spring

Spring has not quite happened upstate yet- but it’s thinking about it. I spent a few days wondering around up there and sewing lots of little birds for BHLDN.


moss and lichen

I gathered some mosses for a new terrarium I’ll put together this evening – right now they are doing fine in a plastic strawberry container with a damp paper towel on the bottom wrapped loosely in plastic. I picked up some charcoal  from the same area as some of the moss to add to the soil. I have had mixed results with my previous terrariums – maintaining the right moisture balance, preventing mold etc. One thing that seems to help is watering only with water from the nearby creek, I wonder if distilled water might be good too? Any tips appreciated. There are a few more photos from the lovely gloomy weekend after the break.

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make something

Update – the pattern shop is open and I’m adding new things all the time.

I’m working on something new : In a few weeks I will begin to offer patterns and kits for sale; some brand new things as well as a couple of my most popular items. I’m going to start with six projects and build from there. I’ll share my creative practices, techniques, top secret tips and tricks and inspirations. I’m very excited and energized about this and I hope you will be too.

make_something_ann_wood_1 copy

I’ve got lots and lots of ideas for projects I’d like to share – fabric, paper mache and crepe paper- and I would also love to know what you might like to make or techniques that interest you. If you like you can let me know in the comment section or send me an email.


I have timed carved out every day (and night) to work on this, drafting patterns, recording steps and sourcing kit materials etc.  and I hope to have the first few things ready for testing in about two weeks.

Sign up below ( be sure to check the “make something “ box on the sign up form) to stay updated and be notified of the launch – subscribers will also see sneak peeks of some projects and have a chance to be a pattern tester.


the box method

*This post contains an affiliate link – meaning I get a small commission if you purchase through the link.

The part where you have to start…

If you’ve been visiting here for a while (thank you) you know I’m a big fan of Twyla Tharp’s book *The Creative Habit – particularly the box method. Here’s a little about what she has to say about boxes:

“The box makes me feel organized, that I have my act together even when I don’t know where I’m going yet. It also represents a commitment. The simple act of writing a project name on a box means that I’ve started work”

I’m overwhelmed with projects right now and that makes me a little frantic and anxious. Anxiety makes it hard to focus which produces more anxiety etc. etc.

“Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity” – T. S. Elliot

I’ve never been good at moving multiple things forward and the boxes help immensely with that – they contain the projects in more than a physical way. This past Saturday I devoted an hour to gathering and boxing.

edwardian fabric scraps

owl sewing pattern - wool scrap owl


I chose a collection of fabrics for toadstools, owls and hummingbirds and garment fragments in shades  of black for 2 dastardly owls.

The search focuses me and spending time ironing ( which I secretly love) starts to slow my brain down.

fabric mushrooms

little mushroom sewing pattern


As I make my little piles, put them in their boxes and write the project name on the tag I feel forward progress,  ideas that were vague start to solidify, panic recedes and I feel better and clearer about the coming too busy week – enthusiastic even.

Go put some stuff in a box!

Do you get my free weekly-ish newsletter? There are tips and tricks, ideas, stuff to try, all the latest news and blogposts and extra stuff, just for subscribers, delivered mostly on Friday. Pretty much.


I came across a youtube video recently that stunned me.  When I was 5 or 6 My mother took me and my younger sister  (who was very small at the time) to the movies. It was a big deal- my mother didn’t drive – not at all – and we lived in the country so a long walk to a bus etc. with little folks – pain in the butt. I was mesmerized by the film and have had images from it floating around in my head ever since. I did not remember the name and it was so long ago and so pre internet I couldn’t imagine I would ever find it. And then I came across this video and recognized it instantly:   the tales of beatrix potter


It  premiered in 1971 – the Royal Ballet presentation of The Potter tales. There are lots of clips on youtube and you can find it in it’s entirety on DVD on Amazon.  My strongest memories are of the Jeremy Fisher and squirrels on paddle boats  segments.

jeremy fisher
I love the moodiness and  there is an intersection between pretend and real elements  – a particular note – that has  always held a huge appeal for me.  I believe this film played a huge part in who I became and what I do.  You might also enjoy this series of behind the scenes  photos by Lara Platman  of the making of the costumes ( it is still performed on stage). 


ship work

I’m working on several new ships – it’s been ages  and I especially love to make boats in the spring. The first is made from tattered antique gowns, layers of silk, tulle satin, lace and sheer cotton – stitched and stitched in a meandering way – inspired by the eccentric mending and layers of boro textiles.

tattered silk ship

The 2 below are paper mache. I start with a layer of brown paper,  torn up paper grocery bags  (very old lady of me to save them)  for the first layer over the cardboard armature and then layers of newsprint. I usually let some or all of the newsprint show so I divide  it according to type size and style and I have a box of clipped out words saved (also very old lady of me).

paper mache work

The next is a translucent paper mache ship – a big one – in its beginning stage when it looks like a cocoon. I’ve hung it to dry and  I can start to apply the finish layers in the morning – I love waking up to dry paper mache.

translucent ship


And my rat problem has gotten worse……

cake topper giveaway

You could win your very own crepe paper bunnies! In celebration of spring I’ve teamed up with fellow Brooklynite Vané Broussard of  Brooklyn Bride  to offer you the chance to win a pair of forest folk cake topper bunnies – a perfect cake topper or an unexpected Easter basket treat for someone special.  The winner gets to choose the flower and glittery slipper color for mrs. bunny.  Find all the details and enter here.  The winner will be chosen on Friday 4/11.


forest folk cake topper

 good luck!