Month: May 2006

Horse #27 bitty

OK, I took full advantage of the legal holiday and did not make a horse yesterday. I figured I had it coming since I pretty much worked all weekend and it was, after all, a National Holiday. Today’s horse is another baby – Bitty.


I like bitty’s little flower button. I think I’ve had it my whole life.


Hope everybody who had a holiday had a nice one. This little painting /drawing is part of something I was doing a while ago and abandoned but started thinking about again this weekend.



I found this photo at the NYPL Picture Collection. The picture collection is one of my favorite places, it has saved me again and again (a little of it is online now). I love dioramas but I think I love photos of dioramas even more. This one has ships in it so what’s not to love? It’s sad and sweet, creepy, nostalgic and precious.

This quote from Small World: Dioramas in Contemporary Art” talks about the fascination with miniaturization:

” The urge to create small worlds, however, is primordial. Humans seem genetically engineered to want to simulate the terrain of life and to see the world in miniature, or preserved as if in a time capsule. In dioramas, the concrete and the imaginary, the authentic and the artificial become magically intertwined. Writing about miniaturization in her book On Longing (Duke University Press, 1993), critic Susan Stewart notes that the atmosphere in a diorama is charged; mood and time are crystallized, and the viewer is given the extraordinary opportunity to step outside of his or her time and place to view life.”

horse # 26 apple


I have a ton of work to do on this fine humid Memorial Day weekend but I’m still going to try to sneak in some ship building. I also need to finish cleaning out my old imac
before it dies entirely and there might be some interesting stuff to post about, old work and research; today I found a great picture of a ship diorama I’ll post tomorrow.

a pink ship

I’m dying to work on my pink ship but just really don’t have time for a couple days at least and this one is going to require a trip the the fabric store. I think it’s going to be a little different than the two finished ships, brighter and mostly contemporary fabrics. 3pinkship.jpg

Horse #25 picnic

Horse #22 lorraine

I end up liking the horses I make when I’m tired and distracted and don’t really feel like making a horse the best. #22, Lorraine is the beginning of an idea for a new ship. Thanks for the comments on the whiplash ship “Perseverance”. After I clean up the giant ship mess I made this morning, I’m looking forward to checking out all the other final whiplash projects. I’m going to miss the weekly assignment and seeing everybody’s interpretation.


flea market

A really excellent haul today – great sail and bird fabric, fantastic plastic horses
and little dishes to hold all my important little stuff.





acorn winner and horse #21

The Winner of the whiplash acorn drawing is Kathy. Congratulations!! Kathy created the incredible art quilt for the whiplash yarn challenge. Thanks to everybody who participated, that was fun and I’ll probably do it again.

Today’s horse, #21, is Betsy, daughter of Betty.

