I finished the owl in the post below – rodrigo is in the shop now as well as a few more birds and a paper mache sailboat.
Month: December 2008
owl in progress
I’m working on a few things for the shop ( including some birds). I’ll post when they are available – definitely before the weekend.
* If you’re waiting to hear back from me hang in there – I’m going to spend a lot of time over the next couple weeks catching up on email.
bonbon raffle
Deb of bonbon oiseau has assembled a lovely collection of things in a great basket that is being raffled to benefit the food bank of NYC.
I’m very happy to contribute a pair of birds – pearl and minter
pearl has a fancy corsage.
You can get all the details about the basket and purchase a ticket (ten dollars online and five dollars in person) right here. You have until 5pm on December 21st to enter.