These little sheep are super fast and very easy to make. And the pattern includes two sizes so you can make little sheep families.
You will also need:
- basic sewing kit
- scraps of fabric – cotton, flannel, or light wool all work
- black felt
- glue stick
- stuffing – I like wool
- chopstick or similar
- embroidery thread – black and ivory
1. Pin the body pattern onto doubled fabric -right sides together – and cut out. Pin the head, tail and leg to a single layer of felt. Cut out one head, one tail and two legs.
2. Clip out the little triangle mark on the body. Draw on the seam allowance and indicate the area to leave open.
3. Separate the body pieces so the right side of the fabric is facing you. Place the body pattern on one piece of fabric – matching the little triangle notch.
4. Mark the three dots on the pattern on the fabric with a pencil or disappearing marker. You only need to mark one fabric piece.
5. Put a dot of glue stick at the center of each leg.
6. Fold the felt legs in half – forming V shapes.