
I got a CD of images of the show this Saturday. I love them. I’ll post my favorites here and there is a little slide show on flickr. (I’ll credit the photographer as soon as I get her name from tinlark).


This spiderweb is made from little last bits of very old and mostly handmade lace. I thought my huge antique lace collection would last forever but all of a sudden it’s almost gone. I’m going to at least start to replenish it at the Brimfield Antiques Show . I haven’t been in years and years but I’m hoping to hook up with a couple very serious flea marketers (they put me in shortpants)- my aunts Annie and Rita for a visit to the September show.



  1. This is beautiful I would love one day to have one of your creations.

  2. There is a vintage and antique fiber show in Sturbridge (next town over from Brimfield), the Monday of each Brimfield week. I believe it was a spin-off because the textile people didn’t want to be out in the weather with their wares. It is fantastic, if you can manage to get there. There is also an excellent little store in Sturbridge that specializes in these same goodies. Highly recommended! Email me if you want more info.

  3. You are so very original, I have just found your lovely blogg, it has made my day…. thankyou xx

  4. What can I say, spider’s webs have rarely been so lovely, except with dew on them that is.

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