sail boat 1

A paper mache sailboat with a stoic little passenger.


I’m going to make a fleet of little boats like this. I’m also working out a pattern/ project instructions for it.


  1. adorable…wish I lived where I could see all of your work in person!!!

  2. iwas wondering, im trying to make a largeish paper mache mushroom, what would you suggest to create the form?

  3. love, love, love the little details like the rickrack and the button for rigging.

    i will be in line to buy your pattern once it comes out.

  4. This is fabulous, like I said earlier I’m doing a pirate story and your ships have really inspired me, the sails in particular,your sails have a fun expressive shape. I’ll post some stuff when the book is closer to publication.

  5. Joyce from Indiana

    I gasped out loud when I saw the boat…am anticipating
    being able to buy the pattern as soon as you have it…
    your work is all quite marvelous. just stunning.
    Joyce in Indiana

  6. a pattern? really! oh, you have made my day!! i always pop over to gaze longingly at your amazing ships + other work; especially the owl…so incredibly lovely.

  7. I would love to buy a pattern like this, and make a ship to hang over my son’s crib. I think it would be a wonderful thing to stare it! 🙂

  8. I can barely wait! How wonderfully whimsical, as if ready to sail to the stars! Love it!!! Think about doing a kit too, would be great to sell…!

  9. barbara miller

    I LOVE your ships. Are you patterns or instruction out yet?

  10. Is there a pattern/instructions available yet? Can’t wait to make one for my nephew!

  11. o, a little kit? patterns? how lovely! please count me in!
    keep missing the shop updates! i think of you, whenever i look at “becky” (supposed to be gift – but has never left my dresser). my sister brings over articles on artists she thinks i’ll like. my eye fell on the ripped out page – “O. that’s ann wood!” congratulations!

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