feet, two dogs, a show girl and a fella

I’m working on owls.

And a photo I got at the flea market yesterday. I wish I had time to go through the box carefully. I usually look at pictures like this but don’t buy them – trying to have less stuff – but I had to take this one, so many things to like but mostly the little white dog, he seems to be the only one not in on the fun.


  1. This is too funny…it’s these silly little ‘gotta have it finds’ that sometimes makes a day so wonderful:D. I’ve been admiring your owls for awhile now, since I found you on Etsy…they are fantastic, I hope to buy one someday soon:D Be Well.

  2. -Are there names on the back of that photograph? The gentleman looks like my father-in-law, who had a Big band in Brooklyn in the 1930-50’s. – love the dogs, too.

  3. The owl portions are making me think of Osymandias:

    Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desert…

  4. Great photo, it reminds me of the characters in “Water for Elephants”.

  5. Aw, this was a genuinely top quality post. In theory I’d like to write like this too – taking time and actual effort to create a great post… but what can I say… I procrastinate alot and in no way seem to get something carried out.

  6. Anne Norman

    Owls! Oh, owls are the best. So unique: big fluffies on silent wings in darkness.
    I love the wordy feet on yours!

    Thank you for sharing your artwork and thoughts online. You are a constant inspiration to create beauty in all its many forms.

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