a wedding party in prospect park

park wedding
A wedding party in prospect park. Little birds all made from turn of the century dress maker’s scraps, bits of fabric that were never used and well stored for years and years so the wonderful little prints are bright and fresh and crisp.

park wedding

I haven’t gone to the park to take pictures in a long time and it was lovely – today was a perfect day – sunny breezy and 80 degrees.

park wedding procession
After the ceremony everyone walked down to the picnic house for blueberries, sunflower seeds and lemonade.

little bird sewing pattern



  1. ahhh, I hope one day I will have a beautiful wedding like this!

  2. Neato! We have a Prospect Park nearby, where we love to go. I haven’t found any type of wedding party there, though.

  3. blueberries, sunflowerseeds and lemonade?
    You are too sweet!

  4. i hope someday when walking in the park, i run into this wedding party. so adorable. wonderful story.

  5. so sweet Ann. i’m glad to know i’m not the only one who takes my creatures out to play. 🙂

  6. Hi! Your bird-al party is spectacular! I just love your work. These new shop features are precious.

    Looks like your blog gets spam, too…

  7. How stinking cute are they?! thanks so much for posting…what FUN! made me smile!

  8. Hi. I read your blog and love it and these new birdies are as beautiful and imaginary as anything you have made..they are gorgeous…and I love your settings…in the ‘park’…

  9. This was just magical, sweet and beautiful….Thanks for sharing this. Brightened up a cloudy day!!! 🙂

    Louise–Slave To My Needles

  10. Just pinned your wedding party to pinterest..had already done the same with your owls..Love your work!!!

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