I’m working on a re- design of my merry wobblers. It’s one of the patterns I’ll be publishing for the making something project. In their original incarnation they were tricky to make – unnecessarily tricky I think.
So I’m simplifying and perfecting and adjusting – again and again and again. I’ve made wobblers that don’t wobble, misshapen potato like wobblers, tiny headed wobblers, wobblers that burst and wobblers that didn’t look merry at all.
The most successful one so far has been the little guy on the lower left above. I’m adjusting a little more this morning and testing a few more times to make sure the result is consistent and hopefully tonight wobbler will be achieved.
Regarding the patterns I’m working on- I have a question for those of you who sew:
Do you prefer to have the seam allowance added for you on a pattern or to add your own?