A paper mache teacup pattern to mark the 5 year anniversary of my blog, my experiment. A perfect time to say thank you and give you a present.
There is a template you can download here.
And lots and lots of photos and instructions. If you do make teacups I’d love to see and you can use #annwoodpattern on instagram or leave a link to your photo in the comment section below.
What you need:
- Click here to download the template
- paste – I use golden harvest wheat paste ( wall paper paste)
- light cardboard – cereal or frozen pizza box is great and a bit of thicker cardboard for a base
- newspaper – it’s nice to have different colors
- scotch tape ( not the invisible gift wrap stuff- the shiny sticky stuff)
- glue – elmers, glue stick, hot glue – whatever you like
- pencil, scissors, exacto knife, and paint and brushes, glitter, fabric – whatever you’d like for decoration.
Click the photos for larger images.
Cut out the templates for the teacup, handle and bottom and trace them onto your cardboard. I had the best results with a Kashi frozen pizza box. Cut out your pieces and very lightly and gently score the the teacup where the dotted lines are on the template with the BACK of your exacto knife.
Make a very tiny snip – really tiny -just a 16th of an inch or so where the sections meet. Next bring the bottom sections together one at a time and tape together on the outside (the printed side). Then turn it over and taper the bottom inside. Do this for each section – always taping both sides…….