mr. guppy

A new owl – mr. guppy.

He’s made from an antique flour sack and dress makers scraps from the early 1900’s among other things.

He also has some 19th century thread sewn into his ears.

The threads are courtesy of stephen szczcepanek and I love them. I’m not sure what circumstance he finds them in but they absoutley belong in owl ears and probably some other places too.

owl in progress

I’m working on a few things for the shop ( including some birds). I’ll post when they are available – definitely before the weekend.

* If you’re waiting to hear back from me hang in there – I’m going to spend a lot of time over the next couple weeks catching up on email.

bonbon raffle

Deb of bonbon oiseau has assembled a lovely collection of things in a great basket that is being raffled to benefit the food bank of NYC.

I’m very happy to contribute a pair of birds – pearl and minter

pearl has a fancy corsage.

You can get all the details about the basket and purchase a ticket (ten dollars online and five dollars in person) right here. You have until 5pm on December 21st to enter.