cardboard castle

I’ve been extremely busy making all sorts of things; too busy, uncomfortably busy, but with things I love to do which makes me very lucky. I had lots of fun this past weekend building a cardboard castle for an ad job.


And finished 2 new ships – pictures coming soon.


shop update

There will be new little birds available Friday, April 11th, at 3PM (EST) at my etsy shop ( you need to have and account at etsy to purchase – it’s quick and easy – just a user name and password).


I have also added a couple new cake toppers to my shop.


Above are eve and thurston and below are darla and monty ( the bird at the top is little frannie).


progress and tiny pine cones


The photo above is something new I’m working on and below is progress on a ship. I haven’t made one in a long time – maybe they’re a spring summer thing.

And some tiny pine cones.

I like tiny pine cones maybe even more than is normal and came across a ton of them in Prospect Park this weekend. I didn’t take them all, so if you like tiny pine cones too they’re at the grand army entrance.

Filed under WIP

shop update

There are a few new birds in the shop.

This update is a little different so please be sure to read the descriptions. I’ll also be adding a few new birds to my etsy shop tomorrow, 2/29 at 2PM EST. I’ll also be listing some one of a kind birds on etsy , as the spirit moves me, over the next week or so.

And something new in progress – really just beginning.


apron girls

Sometime next week there are going to be new birds in my shop. The birds will be available in small editions, for example, this bird is an apron girl.


*The apron girls are a small edition of birds made from a vintage apron. My birds are handmade from vintage materials so each has its own personality, unique characteristics and name ( that will be a surprise). Please allow for, and celebrate small variations. The bird you receive may not be identical to the bird in the photo but it’s going to look an awful lot like it.*

Some of the other editions I’m working on are picnic girls, corsage girls, jollies, dandies, wassailers, woebegones, prairie girls etc. etc. etc.

I will also be updating my etsy shop with one of a kind birds. If you’re on the mailing list you will be notified of updates.