
It’s not something I’m good at but I’m trying to cut down on the time I waste looking for stuff. This shelf is an effort in that direction and it’s working out – plus, I just plain like putting little things in little boxes.


I’m even worse at organizing my time and tasks and feel almost constantly overwhelmed or, no matter what I am doing, guilty or anxious about what I’m not doing. I’m going to try the Alice list/category system.

Despite the chronic mental disarray there is a lot of stuff getting accomplished; just not as fast or as much as I would like and not as efficiently as I think is possible. There are lots and lots of birds in progress ( if you’re on the bird waiting list you’ll be hearing from me soon). Here are a few doing their synchronized swimming routine.


Filed under WIP


I posted some experiments and failures over the summer but never the final product – a holiday card, boxed set, that (thanks to lorena, check out her new collages) will be published by Galison for the 2008 season. This was my first experience of this sort and Galison was great.


The birds are Martin and Catherine- something about the way the red bird is standing reminds me of my sister Catherine. I’m going to use this image and some others for gift tags and maybe some other stuff for the 2007 season.

it’s easy not to

It’s easy not to post. Especially when I get a little busier than is comfortable, but my whole life goes better if I post here regularly and make my bed. So, a post everyday this week to get back in the swing of it. I’ll also be making my bed but not reporting on it unless something note worthy occurs.

For today a photo of part my bulletin board .

p.s. The Ballerina on the little pink stand is for you freda – I’ll email photos of the rest later today.

another shore bird in progress

An american avocet still in the sculpting stage.


And later on getting her feathers.


Just like her friend the willet her feathers are made from the skirt of a thread bare, swiss dot, edwardian lawn gown. She’s lying on a piece of it here.

3 little birds

These 3 little birds, audrey, molly and dell are for eireann’s one in ten auction.


Here they are on a picnic in prospect park.


Each bird will come with a name tag and in it’s own box.


The auction is on August 19th please check the one in ten site for details.

a couple notes:

* I’m going to begin to tackle my huge backlog of email tomorrow so if you’ve been waiting to hear back from me don’t give up yet.

* If your question was regarding shop updates/ bird availability please join the mailing list at the shop. The birds will be back in the not to distant future.

flea market report *special edition*

Top notch flea market in Park Slope ( 7th ave between1st and 2nd streets) this weekend. Lot’s of good stuff for future terrariums and dioramas and some beautiful old Christmas decorations.




All the stuff above was from one big estate, all their precious things – treasured for a lifetime, now on the sidewalk. That’s always a little sad and sort of jarring- even more so on this occasion because I got there pretty early and it seemed so complete.

Here’s the *special edition* part also from the above estate.


It’s a book made by a little girl in the 70’s (I’m guessing) called Runaway Tom. You can click here to see the whole book and read the story (just scroll down for the pages).

These last corroded things are from my other favorite flea market guy.


I’m not sure of the particulars but I know they come out of the ocean.

fancy lichen and a couple other things

I found this lichen, (I think it’s called trumpet lichen?) and another spiky sort, in a forest in CT last week. Don’t know what I did wrong lichen care wise but the last one I had dropped dead immediately. This time it’s in the terrarium and so far doing well and maybe even growing a little. I’ll keep you painfully up to date on my lichen’s progress and all the other very exciting things that happen in my terrarium.


I have not abandoned the birds. I made three for the one in ten auction that I’ll post here soon and I promise there will be birds available in my shop in a little while including new bride and groom pairs. I’m still getting through current cake topper orders. This set was for Amy of Seamsters. She sent fabric she printed herself and I love her patchwork idea. I’m working on some patchwork pirate birds now.


Another favorite photo from Tinlark. ( photographers name coming soon)

It makes me wish I could take better pictures. I’ve started looking at beginning photography courses in new york this fall and any recommendations are welcome.


I got a CD of images of the show this Saturday. I love them. I’ll post my favorites here and there is a little slide show on flickr. (I’ll credit the photographer as soon as I get her name from tinlark).


This spiderweb is made from little last bits of very old and mostly handmade lace. I thought my huge antique lace collection would last forever but all of a sudden it’s almost gone. I’m going to at least start to replenish it at the Brimfield Antiques Show . I haven’t been in years and years but I’m hoping to hook up with a couple very serious flea marketers (they put me in shortpants)- my aunts Annie and Rita for a visit to the September show.


back in brooklyn

This is the longest I have ever abandoned my blog since beginning it last May. The busyness before, during and after the Tinlark show was just silly and I’m slightly the worse for wear – slow, permanently tired – probably need a little vacation. I’ve still got tons to do to catch up. It was so nice today I packed up all my work and spent the better part of the day under a big tree in Prospect Park.

Thanks to everybody who’s been patient ( especially you freda -you’re getting a special surprise).

I wish I had more pictures from the show for you but almost every picture I took absolutely sucked ( I’m hoping the gallery has much better pictures and I’ll post them when I get them). I’ll post the few other marginal pictures I’ve got soon. This is my raven.


He is made from vintage calico and this edwardian bodice. His eyes are antique black glass faceted buttons. He is sold and so is almost everything else! Last I heard there were still two bats and some of the 100 horses. You can call tinlark for info: 323-463-0042

The show was lots of fun. Cris McCall the owner of the gallery is wonderful and it was great to meet laura and maggie and see their beautiful work in person. Thanks to everybody who came by to say hi. Marisa took this picture at the opening.


and wendy has a great picture of my owl on her blog.

Hopefully more show pictures soon but now in other news:
There are tiny mushrooms growing in my terrarium!


I’m pretty excited about it.