6/08/07 6 am


* I want full credit for having gotten up at 5:40 am to take this !expletive! photo. Yahoo had some sort of difficulty early this morning and I am experiencing the special brand of frustration, entirely disproportionate to the circumstance, that only the internet can provide. I am mad at you internet.*

The daily bird


nelson will be in the shop at 8 PM EST.

6 am

I’ll probably regret this but I’m doing it anyway. I have a scary amount to do over the next four weeks and my smartest and most productive hours are between 6 am and 2 pm. I decline steadily after that so to make sure absolutely  none of those precious hours get accidentally slept through (there is no limit to how much I can sleep) I am putting myself on a program. For the next week, ( the next 4 if it works out) monday through friday, I’m going to take a photo at 6 am and post it shortly thereafter. The only possible exception to this rule will be if I have to travel (I have no plans to at this moment) or technical difficulty.

This is lewis (he struggles a little socially).

He is the daily bird for monday – in the shop at 12 PM EST.


If you’ve check out Laura Normandin’s blog then you already know I’m participating in a show in LA this July at Tinlark Gallery with Laura and Maggie Hiltner. It’s flattering to be included with such talented people. I’m enjoying making things for the show and excited in kind of a mildly hysterical way about the experience – I’ve never done anything like this before and the thought is a little overwhelming. I’m doing an installation in the project room that will include the 100 horse project.


The space is perfect for the horses and I’m also making new ships and some other things. I’ll be posting progress photos and will probably be getting myself on some kind of self -inflicted program soon to insure steady forward progress.


I’ll give you more news on the show as it becomes available.

Today’s bird, Freda, looks like she means business.


She’ll be in the shop at 8:30 PM EST.

The daily bird is back

I’m not sure for how long but at least for this week. This is rosalee.

She’ll be in the shop at 8:30 PM.

Something Christmasy in progress:


I’m still working on it. Here’s a shot of the little set.


And another not so pretty behind the scenes picture.


This is what about 95% of the pictures I take look like.

*news about ships , 100 horses and some other things tomorrow*