taking pictures

It did get a bit brighter yesterday for picture taking but I still needed a little artificial enhancement so I invested a total of about 15 minutes and 8 bucks in putting together a sort of simple light box I found at Make. I used drafting velum instead of interfacing and I had one florescent bulb and one incandescent ( wish I had two florescent) which were clipped on either side. I would have shown you the clip lights ( which I already had) but that would have meant taking a wider shot and revealing some embarrassing disarray here in birdville.


Here are a couple bird portraits taken in the box:

This is the daily bird abra


and nan. She’ll be in the shop at one.

Pretty simple and it made the difference in being able to take at least acceptable pictures on a lousy day in a place where I’m already kind of light challenged particularly in the afternoon.

april showers

It’s pouring in Brooklyn
and dark. I hope it brightens up at least a little because I need to take photos for tomorrow’s little shop update. It doesn’t look promising though and I might try making one of these.

Here is Batina, today’s daily bird looking very confident on a much nicer day in Prospect Park.

and here she is in her official shop portrait looking far less sure of herself and a little suspicious of the entire affair.


spider attack

A little band of marauding spiders. These guys will be on their way to Nest in San Francisco.

And the daily bird marybeth.
She’ll be in the shop in about 15 minutes.

the daily bird

Beginning today and for an indefinite period I’m going to post one little bird for sale everyday in my shop Monday through Friday. At least for now they will each be one of a kind made from some tiny pieces of my favorite vintage fabric I’ve been saving. Sometimes the bird will be fancy and sometimes simple. The time of the post will vary but I’ll put a notice in the shop of the time the day before. The first daily bird is jane and she’ll be in the shop at 1PM. ( I would have given you more notice but wordpress was being all squirrely and weird this morning)


Elegant Bride

I got pretty overwhelmed and accidentally didn’t post a single thing last week so this week I’m going to make up for it with a post every day. I’m still trying to get through a daunting backlog of work and email but there is a tiny glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. A long overdue shop update will happen Friday the 13th at 1 PM EST also I’m going to start ” a bird a day” tomorrow. I’ll post one new bird for sale everyday Monday through Friday.

I finished a cake topper over the weekend. This one is spoken for but I’ve got several in progress that will be in the shop within a couple weeks.



Some little birds had their magazine debut in the spring issue of Elegant Bride. The Designer is Matthew Robbins of Artfool.




beautiful day

It was a spectacular day in brooklyn today. I wish I could have spent the whole day outside taking pictures. This is marymargret in Prospect Park.
I was hoping to start my “bird a day” program tomorrow but I’ve got an ad job that I think is going to screw that up.

Besides the gorgeous day today another nice bonus was finding pictures of fantastic paper mache from one of my favorite artists on Flickr here.

paper mache tea party

Things got so busy around Christmas I never got to photograph Johnson’s Christmas window so here’s a little bit of it now.

* If I owe you an email – sorry and I’m hoping to get entirely caught up over the weekend. *

* I’ll update my shop as soon as I’m caught up on wholesale orders. In the meantime, I’m going to start posting one bird a day next week. More details on that later.*

* Earth Angel Toys has a blog now.*

new creatures

I’ve been thinking of making some more realistic (or at least reality inspired) creatures, especially shore birds. These are my first : a baby Loggerhead Sea Turtle and a Lesser Yellowlegs.

