That’s where I am with the Johnson Christmas window. About 75 % of what I was working on, planning on, failed dismally in the final stages so I started a lot of it over. It’s all working now but I had planned on installing it this morning and instead not one single thing, part or element is actually completely finished, also I need, or would very much like, white paper confetti ( the old timey kind) and I can’t find it, if anybody knows where I can get it in fairly large quantity in NYC I’d be eternally grateful. Here’s a preview for WIP.
Happy Thanksgiving.
my cup runneth over
This is the very beginning of the Johnson Shop Christmas window. It will be going up shortly (hopefully very, very shortly MJ) after Thanksgiving. I don’t have it exactly 100 % figured out yet but I’m ridiculously excited about making it. I’ll share some more work in progress shots next week.
I have neglected my blog and I’m going to have to continue to neglect it for about another week due to extreme busyness. After that I’m going to paper mache my ass off and make lots of birds and a bunch of other stuff I can’t wait to make and update the shop which is in dismal condition and get back to my old posting routine.
This is celeste who is very dolled up. She and some other birds went to Solocedros in San Diego last week.
one last bit of creepy
My new boxes came today and I really like them.
The bird on the box is one of the miss johnsons. She’ll be in the shop next week with miss brown (below) and some other birds and things I’m working on.
A last bit of halloween creepiness. It’s a couple days late, I know, I had forgotten about it and just happened upon it this morning. It’s a tiny ridiculous little animation experiment and it’s a mess, but I had a good time doing it and I love an experiment. Last winter I saw Street of Crocodile’s and some Jan Svankmajer for the first time and was fascinated by them. I still am. I have an immediate gratification problem so I wanted to try to animate something right that instant. I made this creepy little greeting with stuff that was handy, my cannon power shot and i movie. I had a ball. When I get a little time I’m gonna experiment some more and if I ever get a bunch of time I’d like to really learn to do it properly.
(Don’t expect much, it just waves at you. Creepily. That’s it)
Happy Halloween!
Part of the mess I made yesterday looked sorta pretty this morning. The whole mess isn’t so lovely but this is generally a nice place to be, a nice place to work. If it was twice as big I’d probably never leave.
I got the branches and some leaves and acorns (it’s a very good year for acorns, last year was a wash-out here) in Prospect Park yesterday after the flea market. I needed them for some pictures I want to take and something I’m making.
fleamarket/thrift report: mini hammer, little silver spoon with a ship on it, a cigar box and another thing I’ve already started to make something with, I’ll show it to you later.
*note on felt birds*
Little felt bird packages went out last Thurday so hopefully they’ll arrive in a day or two.
pirate equipment
This sword is for my friend Judah who’s going to be a pirate for halloween.
Yesterday we put up the halloween window at Johnson. There were chocolate covered pretzels and mini candies and champagne. It was a lovely time indeed. This is the ghost ship, The Antonia, I barely had time to take a picture, some of the paint wasn’t even dry when I got in the cab.
I was in a mad frenzy of making creepy things over the weekend. These bats are made from victorian bits and pieces.
The bats were fun to make, and so was this little spider, I’ll probably make a few more. He’s sitting on an unfinished paper mache mushroom. I had planned on making a bunch of mushrooms but this one took forever.
And here’s the window sort of done. It needs a little more work. Note the creepy sales lady lurking in the backround.
felt bird winners and work in progress
The three felt bird winners are: Laurie, Sharon and Bubamaca. Congratulations!
Please email your address and I’ll send you your little felt bird next week.
I’m busy with Halloweenie stuff, here’s a work in progress shot of an owl. More on him and some other creepy stuff this weekend.
white cranberries
I’m trying to do too many things at once and I’m fully freaked out and panicked. I’m happiest and most productive when I can focus on one thing at a time. If I owe you email sorry, I’ll be on a more even keel thursdayish. I worked all weekend making white cranberries (which are out of season) for an ad. They were fun to make, even in my freaked out state I had a ball making them. The first 50 anyway. The next 150 got a little tedious but the first 50 were a full on party.