botanical experiments


And progress on a paper mache ship.


* I’m way behind on email ( that’s not exactly news..) Getting a couple projects out the door and then I can devote some serious time to responding.

* I’m working towards a shop update  sometime next week ( the  week beginning 2/1) as well as a couple ebay auctions to benefit Haiti. You can get updates here or through my mailing list or twitter.


  1. I have just walked into the wonderland of your world and I am swept away Ann. Thank you so much for your tutorials to, they are magical and I cannot wait to start on the boats with my six year old little boy today. Oh yes, and as for your castles, they really are what heaven would be (if it was made from cardboard which it may well be).

  2. Your botanical experiment is intriguing. It has a slightly sinister feel. Which is quite delicious, I think.

  3. You’re a talented Soul whom I love to visit…thanks for sharing…your very creative…in a “NOW” way!


  4. I love the words on your papier mache ship! I hope you can keep them in the finished version! “Enthrall, Confound” Sounds like words to live by.

    You are such an inspiration! I am having a blast making boats!

  5. Wow – keep going with the botanical experiment – can’t wait to see what blooms next – very cool and one of my most favorite things that you’ve made!!!

  6. I am FREAKING OUT because that first photo is so awesome. I am SHOCKED by it’s beauty. I am STUNNED by it’s ominous pod and evil-looking limbs. Literally, my jaw has dropped open. Your creations always delight me, Ann.

  7. such a pretty pod and a beautiful photograph as well!
    i’m always enchanted by your eye and your creations!

  8. love the botanical experiment — seeds, pods, gifts of the earth, been trying to come up with ideas for “flowers” for an early spring retreat i’m doing…this might just be it!

  9. I am fascinated by your work. Some of it has a very halloween feeling for me, except your cardboard castle and the papier mache boats. You art is magic and so unique. Love it. Beth

  10. Oh my goodness! Ive just spent a good while staring agog at all the amazing things you make and do! You are very clever and inspiring, it was a pleasure to find you and your beautiful blog today.
    With love
    Julia x x x

  11. parce que j’aime particulièrement vos hibous et vos pious, je me permets de vous faire cette requête :

    puis-je utiliser vos “oeuvres” pour en décorer ma bannière ?

    merci de votre réponse et je dis bravo à votre blog qui est magnifique !

  12. i found your site today for the first time – your art is exquisite…my heart beat faster as i scrolled from one to the next. soulful through and through. thank you for sharing here, i am inspired.

  13. Ann! I totally adore your botanical specimen! It reminds me of something one would find in an old curiosity cabinet, perhaps a dealer in exotic teas? You are so inspiring me!

  14. Wow. And wow again. I suspect all my comments are going to be along the same line as ooh and ahhh and ohhh and wow. Yeah, I know, not very creative but I’m just blown away by YOUR creativity. The botanicals are…well, I just want one! And that ship on that flowing lace dress…siiiigh…

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