Category: ships


A new ship for the Tinlark show, The Bonnie Prince Billy

(you’re welcome to contact the gallery for purchase info on ships)

I’ve been a slacker on my flea market reports lately


I got this green pot a couple weeks ago. I love it, it’s my current favorite color.

WIP: another sail for the Ginger Rose and some first thoughts on a new ship.


6/13/07 6am

Work in progress for tinlark.


The last daily bird for a while, at least until after the tinlark show.


Rosey will be in the shop at 8PM EST.

* I can’t take little bird orders right now. I wish I could but I’ve got to focus on things for the show and current orders. *

* Cake topper orders are closed for June and July *

* I’m getting off the 6 am photo program. It has served it’s purpose. The super early start is working well but taking the picture is a distraction. *

*Paper mache- I use wheat paste, Golden Harvest wheat paste ( wall paper paste)*


A new ship for the tinlark show: The Tookoolito


The daily bird is natalie.


She’ll be in the shop at 3 PM EST.

* If you have emailed about ordering birds or ships ( hi heidi) and have been frustrated I promise you will eventually hear back. Thanks in advance for your patience. *


If you’ve check out Laura Normandin’s blog then you already know I’m participating in a show in LA this July at Tinlark Gallery with Laura and Maggie Hiltner. It’s flattering to be included with such talented people. I’m enjoying making things for the show and excited in kind of a mildly hysterical way about the experience – I’ve never done anything like this before and the thought is a little overwhelming. I’m doing an installation in the project room that will include the 100 horse project.


The space is perfect for the horses and I’m also making new ships and some other things. I’ll be posting progress photos and will probably be getting myself on some kind of self -inflicted program soon to insure steady forward progress.


I’ll give you more news on the show as it becomes available.

Today’s bird, Freda, looks like she means business.


She’ll be in the shop at 8:30 PM EST.

The Fortitude

This is the Fortitude. She’ll be auctioned (beginning Wednesday the 3rd) in the benefit organized by Lisa, Stephanie, and Gerrie for the Kim family. There’s lot’s of amazing stuff; you can see a preview here.



Her sails are sheer swiss dot salvaged from an edwardian lawn dress and some other vintage bits including pieces of a beautiful aqua, rose and green paisley dress my mother made for herself in the sixties, it’s one of my all time most favorite fabrics.


Happy New Year !

I’ve got good friends

I do, and they really showed up for me on Saturday for THE GIFT on grand. I’ve been working my ass off and had come pretty much unglued by Saturday morning but my amazing pit crew put the whole thing together. So thanks, to each and every one of you, I would have been lost without you. I’m still kinda unglued from the effort of the last couple weeks and my computer is being all slow and weird too so everything is taking me forever including updating my shop. I finally got it done and there are a few new birds there now.

The show on Saturday was great. It was my first time doing anything like that and I wasn’t sure what to expect but it went really well and I learned a lot. Thanks to everybody who came by to say hi and to Sodafine for putting it together.


I’ve been working on wedding cake toppers. The Bride and groom birds in the photo are gone but I should have some new things available by February .


The ship above is my newest “The Fortitude”. I’m going to take and post my customary too many pictures tomorrow.

*Note on the photo below*
That’s the Christmas tree at Grand Army Plaza here in Park Slope.

grand army