china doll

I found this doll the last time I went home. I made her when I was 10 and loved everything victorian, dolls in particular. I desperately wanted a REAL china [tag]doll[/tag] and this was my [tag]DIY[/tag] attempt. Her expression cracks me up. She’s lying on a little collection of bits and pieces I’m getting together for a couple more [tag]ships[/tag] similar to The Meriwether – very pale, tattered, translucent and fragile. I love that old rose fabric and I’ll be sad when it’s all gone.



  1. she’s very nice. you were one resourceful & talented 10 year old!

  2. Your china doll is very sweet…when I was about that age I sewed a colonial style cloth doll…I wonder if I can find her?

  3. Ah, me too with the 10-year-old Victorian obsession! I also have a homemade china doll at the parental homestead–though mine was made in a Smithsonian class, from a kit, and thus not nearly so DIY and expressive.

    I gave her flaming orange ringlets, though, which still kind of cracks me up.

  4. Love your doll, your talent started at a young age.

    I too was taken with china head dolls, about the same age. It all started when I was out in the woods in upstate NY where my cousin found an antique garbage dump. He had found old bottles. He encouraged me to dig around and that was where I found an old china doll head about 1 1/2 inches high. I also found a bottle that was valuable as compared to what he found! Upon returning back home with my treasures I scrubbed them clean. I then made a body and dress for the doll. That was many years ago and I treasure her to this day.

    Love all your work, I just discovered you today!!

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