have a stubborn heart

I don’t know who said this (do you?) but I love it:

“Magic happens when you do not give up, even though you want to. The Universe always falls in love with a stubborn heart”


I think it’s true.  Letting go of things is part of the equation too.  And getting out of the way, letting things happen.  It all has to balance. That’s the tricky part.  And you’ve got to take care of your stubborn heart.  

It has been my experience that ideas are self perpetuating – one thing leads to another.  Showing up,  having a stubborn heart,  keeps things flowing.  Working, trying things, failing,  asking the second question and the third and wanting to see what’s around the next corner keeps me in motion.

Once in a while that cycle gets broken. The well isn’t empty but the bucket is not reaching.  A consequence of too much at once and not enough rest.

No amount of effort or discipline will fix it.  It requires another approach.  A rest and a reset. I let go of my ambitious day and did what I felt like.  Mostly I cleaned.  Laundry, serious vacuuming, making space,  clearing distractions and removing obstacles.  Making this a good place for thinking.  A place conducive to ideas.  And tomorrow a trip to the shore for a day of mudlarking.

That should fix me.  Part of the big tidying today was making my worktable an inviting space and making an appointment to show up.  Just to show up, no huge expectations or attachment to a particular outcome.

art supplies

It’s ready for me and tomorrow evening I’ll spend time experimenting, moving my heart and mind and hands and beginning to wake up the muscle, find my way back in.

paper mache teacups

I’ll share some of my mudlarking day in an instagram story tomorrow.  And if you feel like a project this weekend maybe try a paper mache teacup. They make a sweet mother’s day gift.


  1. Linda Blair

    Thank you

    Quite a difficult struggle for me to realize
    that “rest and reset” is exactly what I need!

    Certainly appreciate the gentle reminder

  2. Didn’t know I was a mudlark! Thanks for the term.

  3. Wonderful quote! Yes to the “rest and reset.” I’ve been in a funk around my art with my mental pressure at me:.. “but you should be doing…!!!!” I’ve rested now I need the reset. Showing up in my studio generally does the trick. I touch things and I’m gone. Getting myself into my studio space – “showing up” – is the ticket. Tomorrow, indeed. I’m with you, Ann!

  4. Exactly what I’ve been experiencing. When the expectations step in the path of new creation…thank you for the validation.

  5. Oh, this is so true, Ann! I needed about a 4 month rest and restart from my painting. Nothing was happening, so I focused on my other creative pursuits. Then, out-of-the-blue, my muse has returned! Two paintings in two days that have delighted my soul!

    Thank you!

  6. I can’t believe those cups are papier-mâché I thought they were fine china. You are so talented and inspire me so much. Thank you for this blog. I’m going to make some animals this week, squirrel and rabbit and a lamb and goat. They will be gifted to a small animal loving friend we are visiting soon. Thanks again for lovely patterns!

  7. Take care and enjoy your mudlarking!! Thank you for the new word and the reminder that rest and resetting is part of being a creative soul,,, looking forward to seeing your “treasures “! Love your teacups,,, they just may be a part of my reset…

  8. This is such a deeply true post; thank you for reminding us to take a day off, and welcome the joy that an inviting work space creates.



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