the 100 day stitch book

Ann is wearing a hand stitched double gauze top and holding the completed stitchbook - there are plants in the background

Look for 2025 stitch book challenge details at the end of this year!

the 2024 stitch book begins on january 19th and ends on april 27th


Stitch along with me! The project is a slow stitch textile book with slot and tab binding. To participate you just need some fabric scraps and a willingness to show up everyday for 100 days and stitch for 15 minutes.

All the info about how the projects works is in this post. And there is a link to the full instructions for making the book. There is nothing you need to sign up for but there is an option to join the stitch club community to share your progress.

My daily progress will be posted on @annwood instagram stories and in the stitch club community. If you’d like to sew along with me use #stitchbookchallenge2024 on instagram and in the ann wood stitchclub community to follow along and share your work. There will also be some other fun community only perks over the 100 days.

here’s how it works

It’s free to join and all information, the page template and  book making tutorials are all provided for free.  Support the project with a donation here.

Plan to sew for 15 minutes per day. The book has 20 pages total including the front and back covers. Each page is stitched for 5 days, 15 minutes per day. So do-able! Over achievers feel free to do more. As I’m stitching and sharing I’ll include some simple prompts and suggestions in case you’re feeling stuck.

day 18 2022

what should you stitch on your pages

Anything you like. The 15 minutes a day lends itself to improvisational stitching, a “yes and” approach. Make some marks and respond to them. We assemble the book at the end, after the 100 days when all your pages are stitched. You can check out my daily progress from 2022 at the bottom of this page and you can see the finished book here.


This practice is an idea factory. It gets you moving and keeps you moving. It’s an opportunity to listen to yourself and maybe get glimpses into your singular and powerful imagination that you would not otherwise get.

Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working. — Pablo Picasso


The daily part of daily practice is hard, days inevitably get weird, I know. But 15 minutes a day is in your wheelhouse and the effect of that consistency is miraculous. Committing to a do-able assignment and applying small consistent effort is as close to a magic formula as there is for growing creatively and getting unstuck.

This book is for you. It’s for your imagination. It’s a place to try things. Showing up is powerful. show up, try stuff, make mistakes, try again, get somewhere new.

*click here for the tutorial for making the book*

2023 pages

check out the 2022 pages below – day one is at the bottom

day 100!





Are you participating? Do you have tips to share or a link to your progress? Let us know in the comments.



It has been a priority here for years to create high quality and fun free patterns and projects (there are tons) on an ad free site. There are not very many of those left and it is becoming increasingly difficult. In an effort to keep the free awesomeness flowing I’ve created an opportunity for you to support and show some love to my free pattern library.

support the ann wood handmade free pattern library with a happy donation 

Support the always growing library of free patterns and projects:  

Click here to add your support.


  1. Thank you Ann…
    I’m looking forward to this!! I’ve been a crafter for years so I have a ton of stuff plus my 86 year old mom was a crafter back in the day and she has held on to all of her things and she lets me rummage for stuff!!
    Thank you for the opportunity!

  2. Leslie Rodgers

    I’m in too, inherited my dad’s old suits, too worn out for anyone to wear, but plenty of life left in the fabric. I think they’ll make interesting pages.

  3. I’m starting a little late but this sounds like fun. I’ve been wanted to branch out and try something more creative so you can count me in!

  4. Hi Ann,
    I’ve been reading your emails for a little while now & love your work & style. I love the idea of using scraps to create anew
    Thank you

  5. I just love your work and so happy to be doing this challenge! I’ve been making cloth dolls for years but lately I’ve been feeling the need to try something different. I’m already getting lots of ideas for my pages! Thank you!

  6. Hi! I just discovered you, and this challenge, from your Pinterest link. A sister scrapper! Cool!
    I’ve started making scrap tags to go on my keychain, so instead of book pages I think I’ll just keep making tags and pretend they’re book pages. 🙂 I’ve acquired much Japanese vintage textiles and I love every little tidbit. The Japanese saying goes something like, “if you can wrap two beans in it, it’s a large enough scrap to keep and use.” Happy Stitching! ~b.

    • Melissa Murray

      Ooh, this sounds amazing! Can you post these somewhere so we can see them? I love the idea of a smaller item, and have a ridiculous love of tags!! I would love to see what you have so far!

  7. I’m a weaver, spinner, natural dyer and have been stitching Japanese boro for years. I put a link to your post on my blog, hope lots more people join in the fun. Thank you for the inspiration. Jean

  8. wonder_yarm_n_thread

    I’m late but willing, 15 minutes a day seems doable for me at the moment, lots of time constraints but also lots of stuff to play with

  9. Thank you for sharing your creative ideas. The little book is perfect for me right now. I need to slow down, and 15 minutes will be peaceful rather than pressuring myself to do as much as possible til my hands hurt. Happy stitching everyone.
    Annie (Australia)

  10. I’m on a road trip in Western Australia, so I’m doing this 100 day challenge in the Australian bush, in the serenity of nature, bird life and the great outdoors. I stitch everywhere I go. Thanks Ann.

  11. Hi, Ann, this is a great project! Does the pattern for the rectangle (7 by 5.5 inches) include the seam allowance? Thank you!

  12. I’m going to try and follow along but I have several other projects on the go so we’ll see how I do with time management. I am wondering how everyone gets organized? Do you go at it all at once and pre-set little kits of things to use or do you do one at a time and pull all the bits you think you’ll use out? I’m finding that part a little overwhelming.

    • I saw a suggestion to start with a box, put things in it that you think you’ll use. I pawed through my smallest scraps of fabric, felt, ribbon, lace, embroidery thread, yarn, cords, thin leather, etc. etc. etc. They are in a shoebox with my cut pages, awaiting divine intervention. =] Maybe I’ll go abstract, or geometric, or birds, or flowers…likely all of the above. We shall see!

  13. Thanks for sharing Ann. I’m not doing the 100 day project this year but I am definitely going to do this next year, seems like such a lovely way to spend 100 days!

  14. Deb Taylor

    Dear Ann….thank you so much for your inspirations, patterns and tutorials….I’ve been stitching owls, boats and I’m beginning a book * your tab method is brilliant. I’m on my way to contribute to Free Patterns. You are such a gift. Thank you

  15. Wow I spent 3 days trying to make the book. For me it was very confusing but I did manage to figure it out! I did number but wanted a certain cover and back. It through me off! Now what goes inside this challenging little gem?

  16. Wendy Todd

    I just love this fabric book and yes I am going to take part but I think I will be starting a month behind everyone…….maybe I will just do eight pages and see how l get on.

    Thank you for the wonderful news letters each month so much talent and great fun plus I get to use up some of my precious fragments, I’m a happy stitcher.

    Thank you Ann

  17. Sheryl McGettigan

    I love this fabric book too! It’s been fun so far. Getting organized has been challenging but I think I have it now. I am an embroiderer so there is a heavy influence on that in my book.
    Thanks Ann for another fun and clever project.

  18. Cherry Peterson

    I have only been stitching for 2-3 years and not often during long periods of time since I was still working a lot. I now have more time and I still have been putting this off, since the day I read about your 100 project. It is what I need, commitment, but I have still stalled. In one of your posts, you said, something like “JUST DO IT”. So today, the rain has kept me in doors and I finally printed off the book size template. I am committing. Thank you Ann. I love all your work.

  19. Heidi Becker

    Hi, when we finish the pages and start following the instructions to make the book, if you want a title page or front cover would that have to be ‘page 1’ in the make?

  20. annwood

    Hi Heidi – yes – have you watched the video? It demonstrates exactly how the book assembles.

  21. Alice Reidel

    Thank you so much Ann !
    I am always looking forward to see your next posting filled with beautiful work and ideas.
    The book project is another one! I love books, my dad was a printer/publisher and me being a fabric person this is the perfect fit!

  22. Alice Reidel

    I am always looking forward to see your next posting filled with beautiful work and ideas.
    The book project is another one! I love books, my dad was a printer/publisher and me being a fabric person this is the perfect fit!

  23. Sharon Stanley

    I absolutely love your completed book and would love to try one. My question…you mentioned it could be used for many things. I’d love to have some ideas as to what it could be used for. The older I get the less clutter I like so when I dive into a new project, I like it to have a practical use (other than being fun or pretty!) Thanks so kindly.

    • Great Question Sharon – It makes a great needle book or a place to save important scraps. It could be a soft book for a child or a travel journal. I’m making one on my trip to France next week. You could also add pockets and use it for important stuff !and organizing.

  24. Barbara Haile

    Thank you for inspiring me. Love the mushrooms❤

  25. kathleen

    I’m looking forward to making a book–the colors, textures and shapes you’ve used draw me in. I’m thinking of a theme for my book in order to narrow it down or I’ll be swimming in too many ideas :). There are too many themes to choose from!: circles; shapes inspired by Matisse cutouts; fabric scraps left from my mother and grandmother; leaves from my morning walks.—but I’ll start with something simple. Thank you very much for your inspiration and directions.

  26. Teckla Wattman

    I really like how easily the pages fit together, that is so clever! I have made a fabric book before but I used snaps to bind it together and add new pages or switch them around. Your idea is so much better! Now I want to make one of these too. Thanks for sharing! Who knew that a simple search for free cat patterns could lead me to so much inspiration? : )

  27. Sandra Rowland

    It’s Fall and maybe one week of glory is left. If i start a book with 5 Fall leaves, then 5 Winter leaves, etc (ok- those will be brown), should assemble a Leaf Diary. Since many leaves have intense color and a wonky shape, should be fun!
    Sandra, North Carolina

  28. Very inspiring. Love how the book goes together. Would it be difficult to make the book have more pages. Thinking I’d like to do a year long project, 52 weeks so would need to have 26 pages plus covers? Do you think this would be possible, or too difficult?
    Love your mushrooms, in fact most of your work.
    Sue x

    • Hi Sue – Thanks so much! I have not made a book with more than 20 pages so I can’t say. I like 52 week project idea!

  29. Susan Chinouth

    I don’t understand WHAT exactly are you doing? Can you explain what the goal is? When I look at your pictures….I get confused with the order that they are put down. Can You possibly number them? They seem out of order but I am not sure! I really want to participate but can’t get started b/c of the order.

    • Sounds like you didn’t check out any of the links or read any of the blog posts or tutorials.

  30. Katie Farrell

    I just found this project on Pinterest and I’m so excited! I was looking for a longer term project for this coming year (2023) that can include slow stitching, embroidery and beloved scraps. This is perfect! One question, Ann: do you think a book with more than 20 pages would be too bulky and hard to assemble? Thanks for your inspiration! Can’t wait to start!

  31. Ok, Ann, I am making a commitment. I’ll do it! I have lots of scrap fabric, too! Very excited!

  32. Yes I think I can… Very intrigued by your “book”. Looks like a great way to “start your motivational engine “ workout routine.

  33. Yes, I’m in again. Love all this and hope to do better this time around.

  34. This is worth another try. Thank you for the inspiration

  35. Karen Engelbretson

    I’m in. Missed this last year but won’t miss it again.

  36. Janice M Johner

    A friend shared your info with me and I am excited to do a 100-day stitch book! I have so many beautiful fabric scraps and threads and on and on and on!

  37. Elizabeth

    Hi there,
    I do love challenges and NEED to carve out more creative time! If not now, then when? Thank you for this project idea. I think Ivwill join you all

  38. I am a quilter and NOT creative. I’m going to join in and see if it will release my inner creativity. I love to embroider so will work at just letting myself go. A good exercise during the long winter days.

  39. amaranda de jong

    I need another project like a whole in the head but but hey I’m in ! Loved last years book soooo much Ann just couldn’t resist.

  40. Alison Hoff

    Even though I signed up for the similar January Fun-a-Day, I’m in! I think I can mange the couple of weeks overlap. 🙂

  41. Teresa Miller

    I am so excited! I am going to join ya’ll for the fun. I’m not sure I have enough scraps so I’ll have to start rummaging. Can’t wait to start. This is my first project and I’m 70 years young.

  42. Gamze Türkbayrak

    Ben Türkiye,’den katılıyorum,bu toplulukta olmak çok güzel, teşekkürler Ann❤️❤️❤️

  43. June Winters

    I’m excited to start this and have some pages cut, looking forward to using scraps of all kinds I’ve saved from 60+ years of sewing!

  44. Ann,

    Your 100 day stitching challenge and making a book is very intriguing!
    I’m not on social media. Will I still able to participate? Is there another place to get the pattern than #annwoodpattern?
    Thank you so much for the inspiration and creativeness?


    • Please read the post you’re commenting on again. All the info about how to participate and the link to the tutorial and pattern for making the book is there.

  45. This sounds like a ton of fun. Count me in! Thank you for offering this project and for all of the patterns you provide for sale and for free. (I am still working on my crow).

  46. Thank you! I am going to do this! I am not a sewer or stitcher really, so this will be fun! I have no expectations because I have no skills! HA!

  47. Wow, so lucky to have found the link to this through my Instagram, I am mainly a colour pencil artist with a history of embroidery and a love for needle felting. This project will stretch me in new areas, unsure where and what type of material I will find for the pages but finding that will exciting and inspiring too. This is just the tonic I have been looking for after 4 long hard personal years. Thank you

  48. Thank you so much for this opportunity to join the challenge. Looking forward to begin.

  49. Wendy Todd

    I’ve been getting your wonderful news letters and I would love to participate in the hundred days book, I’m not on social media although I do have an instagram but rarely use it….. not really sure what I’m doing

  50. Jennise Matta

    I’m in!! One of my goals for this year is to learn to “color outside the lines! “ I wanot to let loose with my creativity and the stitch book will help me do just that!! I am going to convince my mom to join in, to!

  51. I am looking forward to this! I’m just cutting up fabric, and I’m glad to see you have “pages” with patterned fabric. I have very few solid color fabrics. I’m just going to use what I have and take on the creative challenge of working with patterns as backgrounds, something I’ve struggled with for a while! Need to use up all the fat quarter pieces I accumulated for a 100 Day Project seven years ago, LOL.

    • Nervous, but doing it. I’ve been blocked creatively (and otherwise) for a while, hoping this will help, and be fun.

  52. Kim Mullen-Kuehl

    Gathering my fabrics and was wondering if the book can be 6×9 unfinished? I have a beautiful hand printed scrap I am loath to cut smaller.

  53. Carol Brys

    Sign me up! I am using fabrics that I have on hand – fat quarters from IKEA and clothing slated for re-spiriting. So appreciate the opportunity to participate. I am newly retired, still finding my sea-legs and I’m hoping that this practice will add structure to what can be rather floppy days.

  54. Dorothy D Clement

    I am excited to join this 100-day stitch book challenge! I am curious how long most people spend on a page.

  55. Amanda Lawler

    I loved making my book in France. So I thought I’d join in this one. Might get the creative majority moving again.

  56. I used to be a weaver and have a slight addiction for all things textiles. Now I am a ceramic artist but I have always wanted to try slow stitching and use my stash of fabrics. Can’t wait to do 100 days with a group of creatives. Thanks for the opportunity!

  57. Alison Crook

    Hello, I have 18 pages cut and scraps in my box. I cant wait till tomorrow. Really looking forward to stitching. Thank you.

  58. Hope to be in time to follow and share! I don’t remember if I did join the stitch club! Made right now. I have all the pages cut and ready to start. Thanks.

  59. Britt - Marie

    I have stitched my first book mark yesterday. Looking forward to join the club.

  60. Daryl Anne Markwick

    I am making the commitment! I was going to do the owl but was very sick for 5 plus weeks. I have been stuck, stuck, stuck since an accident with a semi! I feel so good when looking at all your beautiful work, so count me in! Just saw this, lucky me! Day one, I’m on time! I will do the owl later!!!

    • You are exactly, precisely, magically on time! This is a perfect practice when you’re feeling stuck. Good luck and I hop your recovery is speedy!!

  61. I’m in! Just decided for sure today and cut out 18 of my pages. I loved this project last year and have a couple of things I’ll do differently this year, but mostly I’ll just wing it!

  62. Thank you for hosting this project and for your guidance. Looking forward to creating, learning and discovering with the community.

  63. Joy Thompson

    I’m 2 days late just saw this but I’ll catch up for sure. So looking forward to doing this with all you creative ladies. Ann thank u so much for being so giving
    I’m just waiting for approval to my request to join

  64. Ann Grissman

    I just saw “the hundred day stitch book” on pinterest. I want to join in the fun but I’m already 2 days late and am going out of town on vacation for a week. I hope my “over achiever” tendencies will help me get caught up quickly once I’m back home. Will that be ok (to join in once I’m back home)?( If not, maybe I’ll have to be inspired and work solo.) I’m waiting for approval to join your group. Thank you!!

  65. Nancy Gilbert

    I’m a little late getting started as I just came across this on Pinterest. It sounds just like something I’d love to try. Going out to my little she shed to see what I can come up with to start my first page.

  66. So fun Anne! I’m continuing to add pages and this is my first year with this challenge. Love posing my little creations on insta

  67. June Winters

    Ann, Thank you so much for the hundred day stitch book. I have just finished mine and used the video to assemble my pages. I did not know how to post pictures, but loved seeing everyone’s pages. I enjoyed this slow stitching so much I want to continue making a needle book next. I saw your clever pin cushions and made some for myself using scraps from many previous projects. I have been sewing for more than 50 years, made clothing, drapes, slip covers and then lots of quilts. Now I’m slow stitching!

  68. Chantal GAYRAUD

    Quelle belle idée.J’aime beaucoup vos réalisations. Merci pour cette belle impulsion. Adepte de micro-macramé, j’envisage de crèer un cahier en tissu , réferenciel d’échantillons de chaque “noeud et combinaison” appris. Je l’enthousiasme d’avoir trouvé votre soutien.Le plus délicat pour moi, va être la persévérance et l’action quotidienne.

  69. Is there a way to attach paper ephemera, tickets, recipes, love notes and other mementos to the fabric stitch pages? Would love to find a way to do this without fabric glue. If anyone has hints on how to do this, I’d be grateful! Thank you! Love this tutorial. Many thanks for sharing!

  70. Will you run this project again next year or do you have a video of this year’s that I could sew along with?

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