we’re officially at the halfway mark of the 2025 stitch book challenge!

Your habit is taking root. You’ve gained a deeper understanding of your creative process—how your mind works, where you get stuck, and what sparks your curiosity. You’re also discovering new intersections.

Intersections are connections—ideas.

One thing leads to another, if you let it…

stitched collage- black goved hand on a white field with fancy stitched rings on each finger

learn about the stitch book project here

You have fifty days of work behind you. That daily commitment, however small, adds up to something surprisingly significant.

Or not. Maybe it feels like a hot mess. Maybe you still feel stuck, and subjected to a new daily dose of guilt that you missed a day (or most of the days…), or that your work isn’t what you hoped it would be.

That’s just information—feedback. Use it. Adjust. Experiment.


Katie Baker
coast and cloth

Some ways to shift things:

Be silly. I’m a huge fan of silly. Playfulness unlocks creativity.

Add constraints. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, limit yourself—use just one color, like blues, or stick to a single shape, like circles. Constraints can spark fresh ideas and help you see your materials in a new way.

Let go of the outcome. Just commit to 15 minutes of creative movement—hands and mind engaged. Let that be enough.

Keep going.

How are you doing at this milestone? Feeling momentum or stuck in the doldrums? Let us know in the comments.

You can check out lots more of 2025 stitch book pages on instagram. And share your progress to by using #stitchbookchallenge2025 or join the stitch club community.


  1. Janet Sarnow

    I’m overthinking it, I think.
    I completed about 8 pages but it became a drag for some reason. I rarely walk away from a challenge. But! For the past week I’ve been considering going back to it with a might lighter perspective. I think. I think that just as I was starting the book, the inauguration happened and everything became dark. It’s still dark.

    • I hear that… And yes- it’s all about a light perspective and a low pressure baby steps approach!

  2. Linda Bahr

    Thanks for the encouragement, Ann! I find my pages are reflecting the amount of time I have to stitch each day. Sometimes I’ll spend an hour or two instead of 15 min. But then I go down a rabbit hole with the details. . I’m going to try to keep things lighter this second half, as Spring arrives!

    • I’m super excited for spring too – every little sign is so exciting!

  3. Coast and Cloth

    Oh wow, Ann. Thanks for sharing one of my pages. That’s made my day. As ever, I’m loving the challenge. It’s achievable and often I just want to stitch for longer. When I’ve had a busy day, I find the hand stitching just relaxes me.

  4. Claire Lebrun

    Thank you so much Ann to started this community . I’m so glad to be a part of it and it’s so suppportive and useful for my creative work. Finally, I’m go ahead ! I find my way and I see I’m not alone with difficulties in the creative process. And I improve my english… 🙂 It’ so good to share with all these women.

    Katie Baker and ‘coast and cloth’, your work is wonderful. I love it so much.

  5. I am a little behind, but not too far. I seem to work on two pages at once and currently that is 8 and 9. It seems to work for me as they will be viewed that way and they balance and play with each other. I love the perfectly imperfect of this challenge. I experiment, I change and it’s a very fluid and flexible space. I used to say that to our chippies when renovating, ’fluid and flexible’, so change happened easily and for good reason. They got used to brainstorming:-). I am figuring out how to use instagram and that is a far bigger challenge lol.

  6. No! I am not behind but my brain obviously is because I am working on 10 and 11 🙂

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